Warframe Market Average Calculator, or WarMAC (/’wɔr’mæk/) for short, is a command-line Python script that can calculate the average market price of any tradeable item in Warframe. It does this by retrieving orders of a specific item from the fan website Warframe Market, and then calculates then average buy or sell price of that item.
WarMAC currently supports all Python versions 3.8 to 3.12 inclusive.


This project is under active development.

Getting Started#

Ready to install WarMAC?
Need help using WarMAC?

Indices and tables#


In addition to the tools listed in .pre-commit-config.yaml and pyproject.toml, this project uses the following tools in its development:
WarMAC is packaged using Poetry.


This project is NOT affiliated with Warframe, Digital Extremes, or Warframe Market.
Copyright (c) 2023 Noah Jenner under MIT License
For additional licensing information, please see LICENSE.txt
For licensing regarding urllib3, please see LICENSE-urllib3.txt


WarMAC is authored by Eutropios.