

$ warmac average [options] item
The average command is used to calculate the average platinum price of a specific item. It provides the average platinum price for any tradable item.


For item names with multiple words, please use one of the following options:

  1. Enclose the item’s name within quotation marks. Example: "condition overload"

  2. Replace spaces with underscore characters. Example: condition_overload


The item in which to calculate the price statistic for.



Options that take an argument can be in the form of --foo bar or --foo=bar.

-s, --stats <statistic>#

Specifies the type of statistical average to calculate for the item. It can be one of median, mean, mode, harmonic, or geometric. By default, the calculated statistic is the item’s median price.

-p, --platform <platform>#

Specifies which platform to fetch the item’s orders for. It can be one of pc, ps4, xbox, or switch. By default, the platform that the orders are fetched for is PC.

-t, --timerange <days>#

Determines the number of days to consider for calculating the average. The value for <days> indicates how far back to start the statistic calculation. The value given must be within the range of 1 to 60. By default, orders up to 10 days old are taken into account.

-m, --maxrank#

Calculates the price statistic of the mod/arcane at its maximum rank instead of when it is unranked. This option cannot be used together with the warmac average --radiant option.

-r, --radiant#

Calculates the price statistic of the relic at a radiant refinement instead of at an intact refinement. This option cannot be used together with the warmac average --maxrank option.

-b, --buyers#

Calculates the price statistic of the item based on orders from buyers instead of orders from sellers.

-v, --verbose#

Prints additional market information about the requested item, along with the parameters you have specified. This includes:

  • The type of statistic you requested

  • The average price calculated for the item

  • The time range you specified for the request

  • The highest and lowest prices found

  • The total number of matching orders found.

-h, --help#

Prints the command line usage and then exits. If -h or --help are used, WarMAC will ignore all other options.


Calculating the median price of the mod “Primed Continuity” on PS4. Note that the median is calculated as it’s the default.
$ warmac average -p ps4 "primed continuity"
Calculating the mode price of the mod “Bite” when it’s at max rank on PC. Note that the PC price is calculated as it’s the default.
$ warmac average -s mode -m bite

Handling Output#

WarMAC accepts outgoing pipes just like any other tool:
$ warmac average -p ps4 -t 5 -v "bite" | grep "Time Range"
Time Range Used:             10 days
WarMAC output can also be redirected to a file:
$ warmac average -p PC -t 2 -v "vengeful revenant" > warmacOut.txt
$ cat warmacOut.txt
Item:                  Vengeful Revenant
Statistic Found:       Median
Time Range Used:       2 days
Median Price:          5.0 platinum
Max Price:             30 platinum
Min Price:             4 platinum
Number of Orders:      38